Hello, I'm

Imtiaz Ahmed

HTML Email Developer

I specialize in the creation and implementation of email marketing campaigns.

Imtiaz Ahmed

My Skills

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  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Responsive Design

  • Photoshop

  • Litmus

  • Mailchimp

Imtiaz Ahmed
About Me

Get To Know Me

A HTML Email Developer with extensive knowledge of email design. I produce innovative and effective designs that take into account all project deliverables, starting with turning design mockups into HTML email documents. Personal development is very essential to me, and I'm always working to improve my abilities and knowledge in order to get the best outcomes from each campaign. My thorough attention to detail and ability to work under pressure ensure that I complete projects on time, on budget, and to specification. I enjoy traveling to new places in my spare time.

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HTML Email Portfolio

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